Corporate Culture


Corporate Culture

Company Mission

Build a Global Brand, Host Premier Events! 

Company Vision

To become a Nine-Star Enterprise, delivering Nine-Star products and services to the world.

Core Values

Ten Guiding Principles: Safety, Quality, Innovation, Service, Professionalism, Efficiency, Teamwork, Frugality, Dedication, and Gratitude.

Corporate Spirit

Three "No" Principles:

- No challenge is insurmountable.  

- No task is impossible.  

- No dream is unreachable.

Business Philosophy

Establish business with precision and win with quality

Work Ethic

Meticulous in Every Detail, Committed to Every Endeavor.

Commitment to National Values

At Jiuxing Sports, we prioritize patriotism and social responsibility. We actively integrate party-building initiatives and national pride into our corporate culture, organizing regular activities to foster unity and dedication. Outstanding employees are encouraged to join the Communist Party, with monthly stipends of RMB 300 awarded to party members. Through these efforts, we strive to cultivate a team of proud, patriotic individuals who contribute to both the company and the nation.

Social Responsibility

While pursuing excellence, we remain dedicated to giving back to society. Over the years, we have donated soccer tables and provided free training programs to schools, tournaments, senior centers, and welfare organizations, with contributions valued at nearly RMB 30 million.